Computer Science Diagrams in 5 Easy Steps

This article is different from usual blog posts. However, it's an essential topic often overlooked. There are online cloud service providers who let you create diagrams using in-built templates. But for research, I have found these solutions are not sufficient to create Computer Science diagrams. So I decided to give Adobe Illustrator (AI) a try … Continue reading Computer Science Diagrams in 5 Easy Steps

How I Scored 169/170 for GRE Quantitative and 161/170 for GRE Verbal

[The article is a continuation of the series about applying for higher education ( written with the intention of helping young and brilliant undergraduates to succeed in their graduate studies] An important question that I students always ask is "how much time do you need to prepare for GRE"? Honestly, I cannot answer that question … Continue reading How I Scored 169/170 for GRE Quantitative and 161/170 for GRE Verbal

7 Steps to Master Impromptu Speaking; Even Surpass Native English Speakers

As a non native English speaker, I always had a doubt whether it was possible to master impromptu speaking and win a speech competition against native English speakers. Well, I have done it not once but twice within a time span of 4 months. It is doable and I also have photographic testament. If you … Continue reading 7 Steps to Master Impromptu Speaking; Even Surpass Native English Speakers

Infrastructure in a Market Economy

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A few days ago I had the utmost privilege of attending a workshop (Infrastructure in a Market Economy) conducted by Harvard (John F. Kennedy School of Government) for executives from all around the world. There were executives from internet search engine providers, federal government, delegates from developed nations and also developing nations. None from Sri … Continue reading Infrastructure in a Market Economy

IWOCL 19: Let’s Teach are Computers to Program


Recently I had the privilege of joining the organizing committee of International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL) 2019, as a volunteer. The workshop was three days; However, I was excited to attend a conference held in conjunction with IWOCL which was DHPCC++ (Distributed & Heterogeneous Programming in C/C++). IWOCL: The Push Towards Heterogeneous Programming The end … Continue reading IWOCL 19: Let’s Teach are Computers to Program

How to Apply for a PhD in US in 5 Steps

Many Sri Lankan students struggle to find quality sources of information on higher studies except for those who are lucky extremely enough to have the right connections. This guide will help you learn about graduate study opportunities and how to discover them.  First of all, I should mention about US-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission. They offer wide … Continue reading How to Apply for a PhD in US in 5 Steps