What is JAXED? JAXED [JIT + AXED] is a security attack targeted reverse engineering DNNs (Deep Neural Network) architectures using JIT optimized GEMM libraries. Hyperparameters specify the model architecture of a DNN. E.g.:- number of layers, number of channels in a filter etc. In our latest work, we exploit a novel side channel exposed during … Continue reading Reverse Engineering DNNs with JIT GEMM Libraries
Tag: DNN
Hacking DNN Architectures in Cloud Environments
Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly being deployed in commercial cloud environments. However, in shared environments your intellectual property might not be safe as you once thought. In fact, you might just have allowed your competitor to reverse engineer your architecture. In this post, I will explain how an adversary can use the cache hierarchy … Continue reading Hacking DNN Architectures in Cloud Environments