How Dexter, the Child Genius, Used Microsoft Azure Storage Connector with UltraESB-X

Dexter decides to backup his valuable binary files

Dexter, the child genius, has a problem with his laboratory computer. His sister, Dee Dee seems to have erased all of his valuable program binaries. Some of which had taken even days to compile.

Dexter wants to back up all of his large binary files easily. He is aware that he can use the Microsoft Azure Blob service of a storage account to store blob items easily.

Dexter wants to configure the backup process easily and considers it to be a mundane task. After a thorough analysis, he turns towards the obvious choice, UltraESB-X. UltraESB-X offers separate connectors for  Azure Blob, Queue, File and table services.

First of all Dexter has to develop a flow using Ultrastudio. Dexter would need to develop the following flow to backup his files successfully.

Microsoft Azure Egress Connector Flow

He has to start with a File Ingress Connector to choose the files that are necessary. The configurations to be entered are as follows.

File Ingress Connector Configuration

Since this is a basic flow, Microsoft Azure Blob Egress Connector can be used to send the files to the Blob Service. Enter the configuration details as follows. The login credentials have to be obtained from the Microsoft account. Optionally, a processing element can be used to set the header value.

Microsoft Azure Blob Egress Connector configuration

It’s as simple as that! Next, Dexter has to obtain the .xpr file from the target directory and deploy it using the UltraESB-X distribution.

Dexter decides to deploy IoT devices around his home

Dexter realizes that he can use Microsoft Azure to automate his other tasks as well. Recently, Dexter has been developing a set of IoT devices that would monitor his house and notify him of intruders. Especially with his sister trespassing into the laboratory, this seemed to be a great idea. Each IoT device would need to store the data received in a queue data structure so that it could be processed in the order in which the messages were received.

Dexter wanted to scale the idea. Therefore he chose the Microsoft Azure Queue service. It suited well for the purpose since IoT messages would require just a limited amount of space.

Microsoft Azure Queue Egress Connector Flow

Dexter has configured his internal network to deliver files which contain the required messages to a central location. The ESB would then read from this location and upload the files to Azure.

He will need to use a File Ingress Connector to feed the files into the message flow and it should be configured as follows.

File Ingress Connector Configuration

Next, he will have to configure his Queue Egress Connector as follows.

Microsoft Azure Queue Egress Connector Configuration

Then, he needs to process the messages that have been received. Luckily UltraESB-X provides a set of ingress connectors that can be used with a Microsoft Azure storage account.

Dexter will need to create another integration flow as follows to send the files through an SFTP connection.

Microsoft Azure Queue Ingress Connector Flow

Using the Microsoft Azure Queue Ingress Connector, Dexter can dequeue messages from Microsoft Azure and process it at other locations.

Using the UltraESB-X the files retrieved can be directed towards an SFTP connection so that the processing program can function from a geographically dispersed location.

Dexter decides to use Microsoft Azure File system

Since Dexter has used Microsoft Azure for most of his work, he decides to transfer his file system to a cloud file system. He needs to ensure that all the directory structures are maintained so that he would be able to locate his scientific research easily in the future.

Microsoft Azure File Egress Connector Flow

Dexter decides to use Microsoft Azure, File Egress Connector. The configurations for the File Ingress Connector are as follows.

File Ingress Connector Configuration

Next, he will have to configure the Azure File Egress Connector as follows.

Microsoft Azure File Egress Connector Configuration

Tada! Dexter has now configured Azure Blob, Queue and File services to reduce the focus on quotidian tasks. Finally, he can focus on his scientific experiments peacefully.

ShSh!!! Let’s leave now, without bothering him **mutters silently**

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