How to Write a Makefile with Ease

[wpdiscuz-feedback id="jd04i5a51j" question="New Feature: Inline Commenting! Please leave your thoughts." opened="0"][/wpdiscuz-feedback] Makefiles provide a way to organize build steps involved in C / C++ project compilation. This article explains how you can set up your own makefile for your C / C++ project. Why Use a Makefile? Usual compilation with g++ will involve a command … Continue reading How to Write a Makefile with Ease

Globus: An ESB for Supercomputers

Recently, a system administrator complained to me about an issue with Globus: a platform used by the academia to transfer research data efficiently, securely and reliably. Globus is not an online storage but it acts as a mediator between storage systems. Neverthless, Globus seems to solve a widespread problem in academia. Enterprise Service Buses (ESB) … Continue reading Globus: An ESB for Supercomputers

Setting up Kubernetes 1.7 on a CentOS 7.1 cluster

It was quite a daunting task at the beginning to start with Kubernetes 1.7 alpha release because I knew that I was bound to face with difficulties. I built Kubernetes from source on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. I downloaded the source from kubernetes ( and CentOS 7.1 (minimal version). I set up three virtual machines … Continue reading Setting up Kubernetes 1.7 on a CentOS 7.1 cluster

Conquering Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 14.04 : Resolving issues with Partitioning

Recently for a project, I used a Raspberry Pi. Although mostly it's preferred to use raspbian as an operating system, I chose to use Ubuntu because it gives access to the Ubuntu repositories as well. There is a complete guide for the installation here. However after sometime, I found that the Raspberry is utilizing only … Continue reading Conquering Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 14.04 : Resolving issues with Partitioning